Hack your morning, WIN the day

David Yaqub
4 min readFeb 7, 2021
Photo by Josue Valencia on Unsplash

As we try to return to a state of normality, our daily routines and habits may be in a state of disarray. So let’s do something about that.

Perhaps you had a great routine prior to a global pandemic, you spent your time getting things done. Perhaps the pandemic didn't affect your morning routine but another irregular variable did.

Is there no better opportunity than a challenge, or barrier present to reflect on our habits? To shake the foundation and exposes the structures that collapse under pressure?

So if like myself you found daily challenges left your mornings feeling unstructured, leading to an unsuccessful day. let's brainstorm together.

Before you can plan your morning, plan your day.

7–9 hours of sleep, daily — non-negotiable. So from the 24 hours every person has access to, account for your nightly routine to facilitate 9 hours of sleep. So in the slight off chance you are ever running behind, you have some wiggle room.

The reason? If your planning to win your day, by starting your morning right let's ensure we are well-rested. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, it must be important.

So your alarm goes off, and we want to stay in bed. Who can blame us, it's comfy it's safe. Its makes us feel good. Well, perhaps we could use our justification for seeking experiences that make us feel good to help get us out of bed without hitting snooze?

Ask yourself what job or activity would incentivise getting out of bed. Perhaps you love a run or watching the news. Everyone has something so find it.

I found reading, as soon as my alarm is turned off and the bed is made I grab my book and head to the lounge room. I sit down, prop some pillows up and begin. If I am being good, my next 30 minutes seem to fly by until my next alarm is telling me to move onto the next task that can set me up for success for the rest of the day.

Essentially you’re incentivising leaving a safe comfortable place (bedroom), to do something else you enjoy. I mean who really wants to have FOMO? I have read a lot about people having structured mornings and things timed to the minute, but I don’t think that approach works for everyone.

I like to think what is sustainable, does my morning routine need to include a run, cycle and swim if I am not training for a triathlon? I wish to learn more, so I read. I enjoy not feeling rushed and having to sprint out of the door and drive frantically to get to work on time. So my morning routine reflects that.

Actionable tasks:

Make a list, who doesn’t love a good list? I limit my morning to 3 key things that must be done on a consistent basis. When you identify three key components. Ensure they cover the following.

  1. Why must this be done? — (Why in the morning, why consistently?)
  2. What helps me get this done? — (Enablers and barriers)
  3. Why is this a priority? — (Should other things come first?)

If you can work through this list without an existential crisis, you are well on your way to a bespoke morning routine, sustainable in nature that assists in creating momentum for the rest of your day.

My final piece of information would be about your environment, in relation to your enablers and barriers.

Make the easy choices harder and the harder choices easier.

If you roll over, grab your mobile from your bedside table and turn the alarm off, just to either roll back over and sleep or mindlessly scroll social media. Make that choice harder. Move the phone out of arms reach, set a lock on your social media apps until mid-morning.

If exercise is easy to say no to in the morning, have your clothes ready to go the night before in the bathroom. Manipulate your environment to work for you and not against you.

Sure there may be mundane tasks that you must do, but find joy in these and you will be far ahead of others. If you can sprinkle in some activities you enjoy throughout the process in an environment that makes them easier for you. You might find yourself actually enjoying your morning, even before you have had your coffee.

If you wish to receive more actionable and practical gems to implement in life, consider following me on medium. Thank you for reading.

This piece of writing if for entertainment purposes only.



David Yaqub

Life long student, trying to create a community. Curious, creative and a little crazy.